This is the story of how I became an homo googelicus:
I used
Google (remember? you did not need to call it Google search because it was only a search tool) for the first time back in 2001. I can't precisize the exact date, it comes when you first don't give importance to your addiction. At that time I was an user of
Altavista. Why did I switched? cannot say. Now my only browser toolbar is the
Gooble toolbar.
By early 2004 my personal dealer forward me an invitation to Gmail. First I used it as a personal mailbox along with my jobmail, but as time went by I started to use it as my mailhub, my virtual hard-drive and my chat.In march 2006 I started to share my first GoogleDocs. It is now my main work tool. That very same year I started to use Blogger as a communication tool for my client's projects. As I got familiar to it I enroled the Adsense and Adwords programs. Then I started to use Google Reader as my hompage where I have all my sindicated contents. Afterwards, Google calendar came into my life I divorced my beloved agenda. The same happened with Google Maps. Why people use GPS?
For a while, I thought I had some live out of Google. I was a Youtube user. It did not last long.
For a year now, my personal domain belongs to Google.
I could go for hours like that, with many other appliances I use with Google, and others that I have never been capable of finding its real utility (Desktop, Orkut).
But, now I can say Google takes up to 80% of my matrix-plugged live. In the last three years not only I have seen how I used an increasing number of service, but the intensive use of them.
They have all my data, all my preferences, all my consumer profile, all my personal likes and dislikes. I belong to a community.
I strongly recommend this documentary on Google:
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