06 May 2007

Pandora lock out: signs of the future

Pandora has been forced to close down (http://www.pandora.com/restricted) since the music industry has alleged Pandora did not have the rights to webcast away from the US.
It is nothing new. BBC radio unplugs non-UK listners when tthey webcast a Premiership match. They only have the rights for the UK territory.
It is to believe that this practice will be increasing in the forthcoming months. I see two very important implication on that:

  • a new actor comes up to the undermined net-neutrality scene: the right's holder. Up to now it was feared that internet providers or States would interfere in the traffic content.
  • Next step is to shut down all internet radio and "real" radio that are webcasting their signal. In fact they all schedul and broadcast music and other content whose rights belong to a third party. In fact, in this right moment i am listening from Spain to Radio Canada which is broadcasting "Audi Coelum" by Claudio Monteverdi and featured by IAN PARTRIDGE, NIGEL ROGERS, COLIN TILNEY, EUGEN MULLER-DOMBOIS, HEINRICH HAFERLAND, THOMAS BRANDIS. Radio Canada is infringing the copyright as they are broadcasting abroad.

A new post on net-neutrality trap will be coming in the next days: Who does net neutrality really really interest?

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